About Us


Arts in the Margins advances equity, diversity and Inclusion via innovation in arts presentation, production and training. Our focus is on creative musical works in often over-looked genres by and for historically marginalized communities.


We operate in three main areas:

-Diversifying both stages and audiences by programming works by historically under-supported artists, with a focus on improvised music, new music, sound art, electronic music and folk musics, all in close collaboration with community organizations.

-Supporting historically marginalized artists and artist groups develop, fund, produce and present their music and sound-based projects

-Offering free art workshops and artist talks for youth and adults, across a range of media and techniques, in traditionally under-resourced neighborhoods.

Arts in the Margins views these areas as interdependent and seeks to develop innovative organizational models for breaking down the barriers that exist between them.

Core Values

Our work is guided by five core values:

Excellence and Innovation — We support high quality music and sound-art that will inspire, challenge and foster new ways of looking at the world.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion — We focus on working with historically marginalized communities including female, BIPOC and LGBTQIA2+ artists and organizations.

Education and Learning — We are committed to help foster understanding and appreciation of a wide array of musics, particularly musical genres that often lack such focus and attention.

Collaboration and Community Building — We strive to support the development of strong, new artistic voices from marginalized communities, and to build our understanding of these communities so we can serve better their creative needs.

Care and Respect — We strive to operate compassionately by prioritizing the well-being of our staff, artists, audiences and partners at all times, and by running an efficient, effective and reliable organization, always guided by principles of social justice, care, and the creation of safe and inclusive spaces.

Artistic Intent

By not limiting our focus to any one musical genre or tradition we make space for many different cultural communities and the music that contributes to their identity. We thereby offer diverse audiences and artists a compelling, inspiring and transformative overview of the contemporary music scene. We are part of a global network of like-minded organizations unified by the belief in the power of music to help us address the many challenges we collectively face in these uncertain times.

Community Context

We develop projects in close dialogue with the many communities we collaborate with. Our operational model constantly evolves as we learn from these community partners. Such critical listening, and a willingness to change when needed, allows us to remain responsive to the rapidly changing cultural landscape, and the role music plays in its evolution.