Venue: La Sala Rossa (4848 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Quebec H2T 1R5) Date: 15 October, 2023 Doors: 8:30 PM Music: 9:00 PM
Tickets: $20.00 with taxes and fees included in advance / $20 at the door
Advance Tickets:
Co-presented with Festival Phénomena, Festival Accès Asie and Québec Musiques Parallèles.
YesNoWave is an Indonesian non-profit online music label which was founded by interdisciplinary artist Wok The Rock (Woto Wibowo) to distribute free legal music with a Creative CommonsAttribution-Non-Commercial license. This concert will feature the following artists from the label:
Gabber Modus Operandi originated in the experimental punk scene of Denpasar, Bali’s capital city. Their hard, fast, abrasive electronic music combine high-speed Western club sounds with gamelan, a traditional percussion-based music that isa central part of Indonesian culture. Their music highlights the influence of the internet on millennial Indonesians as theyadapt old traditions to digital technologies and new ways of living. Performing in homemade costumes, the duo combinesimpossibly fast tracks with a barrage of throat-shredding vocals. They recently contributed to Björk’s new album ‘Fossora’ and perform regularly at major European electronic music festivals.
Rani Jambak is a composer, producer and vocalist based in Medan, North Sumatra. She began her performance career by working on the Goethe Institute’s Sound of X project and launching Medan Soundspectives, a festival celebrating the acoustic diversity of her home city. Jambak is a dedicated environmentalist who produces music to raise awareness on environmental issues through a music-ecological campaign entitled #FORMYNATURE. Her new project #FUTUREANCESTOR is inspired by her Minangkabau ethnic identity and uses sound to explore connections between traditional knowledge and nature.
Wok the Rock is an artist and curator that is active across the fields of contemporary art, design and music, Wok The Rock is a member of artist collective Ruang MES 56 in Yogyakarta, runs the music label Yes No Wave Music, curates a monthly experimental music concert series named Yes No Klub, and has initiated the Indonesia Netaudio Forum, among other.
Festival Accès Asie is a co-presenter of this event.