SlowPitchSound + Bana Haffar
Venue: La Sotterenea, 4848 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Quebec H2T 1R5
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Doors: 8:00 PM Music: 8:30 PM
Tickets: $15.00 plus taxes and fees in advance, $20.00 at the door, NOTAFLOF (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Co-presented with Mardi Spaghetti, CJLO and CKUT.
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SlowPitchSound is an award winning Toronto-based composer, mentor, and explorer of sound & visuals with over two decades of experience. He has collaborated with brilliant creators from a wide range of disciplines including opera, jazz, classical, electronic music, theatre and dance. His unique style of music production, self proclaimed as “scifi-turntablism”, has been featured on stages around the world including Canada, Australia, USA, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Germany and Taiwan. With a passion for depth and detail in his work, SlowPitchSound is heavily inspired by nature, outer space, and dystopian sci-fi. His approach to making and presenting music
includes turntablism, live sampling and field recordings.
x, formerly twitter
Bana Haffar is an electronic music composer living in Montreal, Canada. She works with patterns, sound design, and sample based sequencing, attempting to relate sound worlds and patterns to various non-musical systems. In 2014 Bana, together with Eric Cheslak, founded Modular on the Spot in Los Angeles and in 2021 she co-founded the Beirut Synthesizer Center in Lebanon.